
The Clan Of Derawar Pakistan

Readers, you must have heard a lot of news in media related to Cholistan which portray difficulties of this region, There is no doubt that this region has challenges especially pure drinking water is heavy issue there. Therefore, we are unable to receive positive image of this region. On the other way, Desert Cholistan is witness of history of thousands of years, even from the period of Indus valley Civilization. 

This region carries a lot of historical places along with buildings but most famous place here is “Derawar clan” which is present in hub of Cholistan since centuries. In today’s article, we will talk about Derawar clan. Derawar can is 130km towards south from Bahawalpur. This clan was initially built by local leader Jajja Bhatti. Although this clan is multipurpose clan but it was built to provide tribute to Rawal Deoraj Bhatti. Initially it was named as Dera Rawal. Also Read- Cool Clan Names

With the passage of time name has changed from Dera into Derawal. In the beginning of 18th century, local Politicians fought each other to invade this clan. In 1733, Nawab Bahawalpur, Sadiq Muhammad invaded this clan. In 1743, he lost it. In 1804, Nawab family invaded it again. When British arrived, they captured all precious buildings including this clan. It remained in official use under British till creation of Pakistan in 1947. After that, it became property of Nawab family from Bahawalpur.

It is still considered as property of this family. Some servants are hired for security as well as for taking care of this clan. This clan was built in desert in spherical shape. In creation of this clan, red bricks are used. Height of walls is 1500metre while height is 30 metre. It is spherical shape. Each wall contain 10pillars. they are altogether 40 in number. Main entrance of this clan is towards west. As it is made with red bricks, therefore it is visible from far away. Also Read- Guild Names

A well was built inside the clan but now it is dried. Most eye-catching place is underground well tunnels which are connected with each other also connect other small castles too in order to pursue safe exit in case of any war or emergency. Those buildings which are left today, are best example of high expertise architecture of labour of that time. Rooms, weapon zones, floor or even any other thing was built beautifully with high expertise. Near Nawab’s family graveyard, Abbasi Masjid is situated which is quiet similar to design of Delhi’s Red Mosque. 

As water is considered very important in desert life, therefore, this clan was used for storing and utilizing water. Chinese trade caravans used to travel through this desert, they used to take water from people who were living in the clan. Once, Hajji Caravans of South Asia used to travel from here, they also used this clan as a place for rest during their journey. Undoubtedly, this clan is a historical heritage displaying glorious past, but unfortunately, its present condition is not good. 

Walls of the clan are becoming weaker. With the passage of time, some are even broken, even government officials also seemed not interested in maintaining this clan. Tourist guides are even difficult to find here. Many underground tunnels are packed now. Although, this clan is listed in UNESCO’s World Heritage list but still there are no arrangements made for maintenance of this clan. This precious clan is in need of attention, otherwise world will lose this historical heritage with passage of time.

Basant Kumar

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