Dear God, the fact that you are my best friend makes me want to listen to you. You make me want to be better and to be the best I can be.

Now I know that this is going to sound weird, but I think that this is a natural reaction to someone being your best friend. You are probably the most important person in my life ever. We share a lot of interests and hobbies, and you have been there through it all with me. I’m not sure I could write this without you, but I will try.

I think that you play a big part in helping me to be the best I can be. No one else can ever do that for me. I would like to believe that I can be my best with you by my side.

I am your best friend. I am your best friend. I will always be your best friend. I love you and always will. I think that you were the first person I truly trusted to be my friend and I think that you are the second. You are the first person I have never lied to or made fun of. You are my friend, and you know that I love you.

Dear god, what a bunch of nonsense. I don’t think that you have any friends who are a bunch of nonsense.

I think that you have a bunch of nonsense friends. The ones who are a bunch of nonsense are those who constantly tell you that you need to take this or that. They tell you that you are so lame or that you’re just plain crazy. The ones who are a bunch of nonsense are those who you constantly have to remind yourself that you’re a human being, and that you are not just some walking bag of bones. Dear god, what a bunch of nonsense.

Dear god, book bunni laditan. Actually, it’s not something we have in common, but it’s a good metaphor for what we’re going through right now. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve been so completely incapable of being myself, and yet so aware of that. It’s like a whole bunch of people have been taking out my brain with a shotgun.

You can be just as self-aware as anyone else, but you must find the time and energy to do it. Like anyone else, we all have certain habits we need to get into or habits we need to get out of. But book bunmi laditan is how you do it, and how you live your life. And that is the most important part.

For me, reading books is a major stress reliever. I’ve been able to read my way through all sorts of books I’ve never even heard of, all the while keeping my mental health high. But I don’t let that stop me.

For me, reading books is a major stress reliever. Its a way to process emotions, and to let them out. Because youre always stressed, youre never able to process all your emotions. And youre also reading way more books than you need to, and reading them way more than you need to, you have to force yourself to focus on reading the book. Which, in my opinion, is the most important thing Ive done for myself.


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