I was sitting in a parking lot when I realized in the midst of this endless barrage of cars that the man sitting next to me wasn’t even paying any attention to my surroundings. In fact, he was looking at his phone and texting. He wasn’t even looking at me. He was texting.

The man who sat next to me, who was texting his phone was not paying any attention to me either, but now I know he was doing it because he was reading a book. He was reading a book because he was bored.

You can probably guess by now that I don’t care much for the “book-loving” type of people. They are generally so self-absorbed that they think that because they read a book, that means they know something about life and the universe. So I had to ask myself, “is this guy just being bored?” In this case, I am 100% sure that he was reading a book because he enjoyed the book so much.

I’m thinking that his reading a book, because he was bored, is what caused him to put his headphones on and listen to some music. When you’re bored, you’re likely to be listening to music. In fact, the more you’re bored, the more likely you are to hear music. So maybe he was bored because he’s listening to music, but maybe he was bored because he read a book.

I think its pretty likely that this guy was reading a book, because he would have been bored to death if he had been doing anything else.

I think it’s pretty safe to assume that this guy was reading a book, but I also think its possible that a book is what he was reading when he put his headphones on. The book is probably the device that we can’t hear, but that he was listening to the book on.

You know how we always say that a book is the best thing that ever happened to us, but in reality, books are probably just books, right? If you were just reading a book, you would have been bored to death by the time you finished it. Books are also not particularly smart – because they are not able to comprehend the world around them, they can only comprehend themselves.

When we think about books, we start with a general theory. They are about a bunch of little things. And that’s why we often don’t think about them in great detail. We only think about them when we’re thinking of something else. For example, if we’ve been told that a book is good and it’s good in a way that makes it better than nothing, then we’re not thinking about something else.

The same is true when we think about our own lives, our lives are only a general theory. Our lives are only a general theory of what we can do and what we can do and what we can do and what we can do.

All of this is to say that when we talk about ourselves in terms of our lives and our lives are only a general theory of what we can do, we are missing out on the really important details. For example, we may not be as focused on our relationship with our parents as we think we are, which is something that can easily change if we decide to stop being so focused on ourselves.


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